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National Curriculum Framework 2005

 National Curriculum Framework 2005

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) plays a pivotal role in providing technical resource support for school education. The NCERT charter emphasizes the importance of curriculum design, with the organization tasked with regularly reviewing the school curriculum to ensure high educational standards.

National Curriculum Framework, 2005: The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is an open institution which provides technical resource support for school education.

The National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986, and the Programme of Action (POA), 1992, assign a special responsibility to NCERT in developing and promoting the National Curriculum Framework. The NPE views this responsibility as a means to establish a unified national system of education that upholds core values and goals, addressing the evolving needs of children and society, while staying within the framework of the Indian Constitution.

❖This national curriculum framework is one of fourth national curriculum

published by National Council of Educational Research and Training in India

❖ Chairman of the NCF 2005- Prof. Yashpal.

❖ National Policy on Education 1986,Plan of Action 1992,Report on Learning

without Burden, NCF-2000 played important role in NCF-2005.

❖ NSC comprised 35 members including scholars, principals and teachers, NGO

representatives and NCERT faculty.

Total 21 National Focus Group works for NCF-2005.

It has been translate into 22 languages.

Objectives of NCF 2005

  1. The curriculum should be child-centred.
  2. It should provide a fullness of experience for students.
  3. It should make provisions for flexibility within the framework of acceptable principles and values.
  4. The curriculum should be related to the life needs and aspirations of the people.
  5. Develop a rational outlook.
  6. The curriculum should lay emphasis on SUPW.
  7. It should be able to promote social justice, democratic values and national integration.
  8. It should help in self-experience and expression and in physical development.
  9. It should be well integrated.
  10. It should provide continuity in the whole programme.

Perspective- Guiding principle for Curriculum Development

❑ Shift learning of students from Rote Method .
❑ Connecting knowledge of students to Life Outside of the School.
Integrate examination into Classroom Learning and make its more Flexible.
❑ Enrich the curriculum so that it goes beyond to the Text-Books.
❑ Prepare our children’s for democratic society of the India.
❑ Develop Critical thinking and enhance creativity.
❑ Children’s try to develop their knowledge from different Culture.
❑ Children’s become Sensitivity for their Social Environment.
❑ Children’s learn through from Own Experience.

Learning and Knowledge

 Focus on Children’s as Active Learner.
 Recognize the need for environment enabling and non threating environment.
 Emphasized that Caste ,Gender Creed, Class, Religion, Minority status should not
constrain participation in experiences provided in school.
 Learning task must be designed to enable children's to seek knowledge from sites
other than textbook.
 Involvement of values in textbook through elders, peers and near by social
 Focus on Physical activities and Mental activities based content in curriculum.
 Inclusive education to be given priority and flexibility to follow a curriculum.
 Its also work on the needs of every student irrespective of students having
 Constructive and creative learning should be the part of curriculum.
 Primary ,Upper Primary and Secondary Education provide space for their students
to explore and develop their rational thinking.

Curricular area, School stages, Assessment

 Curricular areas
1. Mathematics 2.Language 3.Science 4. Social Sciences 5. Art Education 6.
Health & Physical Education 7. Education for Peace 8.Habitat & Learning
❑ Language’s – Three Language Formula should be the medium of teaching in
❑ Mathematics- It should based on the practical knowledge of content , provide
through problem solving and rational pedagogies.mathematics makes learner
systematic, confidential, self evaluated, self esteem, self reliable etc.
❑ Science- Students will learn Facts and Principles of cognitive development,
Validation of Scientific knowledge, develop Scientific Temperament among in
Students and develop natural curiosity, aesthetic sense and creativity in
science and technology

Social ScienceI. Social Science Content should be focus on discussing social justice, equality, respect
for diversity etc.
II. Social Science Content should be focus on Understand the socio-economic problems of
III. Social Science Content Should be encourage debate and discussion on above issues.
IV. Social Science Content should be Focus on child's own context and environment.
V. Social Science Content should provide Relation between concepts and daily life of
VI. Social Science Content should be Encourage children to form their own opinions.
❑ Art educationI. Complete development of the students personality and mental health, appreciate
cultural heritage and develop respect for each other's work and connect to

Health & Physical Education- For the holistic development of the children’s health
and physical Education is essential. With the help various type of physical activities,
we can solve the psycho-social problem of children’s . its also important for
developing responsible citizens for nation.
 Education for Peace- Peace Education helpful to reduce the social problem as well as
personal, through peace enrich curriculum and appropriate pedagogical technique
helps to develop positive attitude among children’s.
 Work and Education- its aims to involving children’s in a variety of production or
service oriented activities, to develop skills, positive attitudes and values through
work and also to develop work related competencies.

School and Environment
 Appropriate Physical Environment for Children’s, adequate light and
ventilation for them.
 Proper Student Teacher ratio at classroom.
 Hygiene and Safe environment for Children’s at school.
 Schools should also treat students with equality, justice, respect, dignity and
right of the students.
 Give equal opportunities for all students to participate in all school activities.
 Inclusive Education to be part of the school where differently abled and
children from marginalized section get equal opportunities.
 The schools should also be well equipped with libraries, laboratories and
educational technology laboratories.

Social Importance –
• NCF 2005 was created keeping in mind the social importance. National Curriculum Framework 2005 was designed keeping in view the needs and requirements of the society

NCF focused on 

✓ To develop a sense of self-reliance and dignity of the individual which would for the basis of social relationship and would develop a sense of nonviolence and oneness across the society

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