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CBSE CLASS 10 SST GEOGRAPHY // Important Question Answers//Target 2024

 CBSE CLASS 10 SST GEOGRAPHY // Important Question Answers//Target 2024

Bad land in Chambal is an example of:

a) Wind Erosion

b) Water Erosion

c) Shelterbelts

d) Acid Rain Erosion

In which of the following states are you likely to see lack of water

a) Uttar Pradesh

b) Andhra Pradesh

c) Ladakh

d) Kerala

Resources are free gifts to nature:



A land which is left uncultivated for 2 years in known as:

A) Fallow Land

B) Culturable Waste land

C) Other than Fallow land

D) Net sown area

AGENDA 21 was:

a) First and last time sustainable

development was discussed

b) Had just the agenda ofsustainability

c) Was signed by all the countries

d) None of the above

 Laterite has been derived from latin word ‘later’ which means :

(a) Mountains

(b) Rocks

(c) Bricks

(d) Stones

 “There is enough for everybody’s need and not for any body’s greed,” who has given the above statement?

(a) Vinoba Bhave

(b) Atal Bihari Vajpayee

(c) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

(d) Mahatma Gandhi

The ocean resources beyond 200 nautical miles is classified under :

(a) Special Economic Zone

(b) Export Processing Zone

(c) Exclusive Economic Zone

(d) None of the above

Which one of the following is the main cause of land degradation in india ?

(a) Deforestation

(b) Mining

(c) Overgrazing

(d) Over Irrigation

Which one of the following method is used to break up the force of wind ?

(a) Shelter belt

(b) Strip Cropping

(c) Contour ploughing

(d) Terrace Farming

Which one of the following is responsible for sheet erosion ?

(a) Underground water

(b) Wind

(c) Glacier

(d) Water

Assertion : Arid soil is unsuitable for cultivation.

Reason : Arid soil is generally sandy in texture and saline in nature. It restricts the filtration of


(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

(c) Assertion is true but reason is false

(d) Both assertion & reason are false.

Assertion : Land is a natural resource of utmost importance.

Reason : Land can be used for various purposes.

(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

(c) Assertion is true but reason is false

(d) Both assertion & reason are false.

ASSERTION : Ploughing along the contour lines decelerates the flow of water down the slopes and

controls soil erosion.

REASON : Soil erosion is the washing away of top layer of soil or denudation of soil cover.

(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

(c) Assertion is true but reason is false

(d) Both assertion & reason are false.

ASSERTION : Rajasthan and Gujarat have enormous potential for the development of wind and solar energy, but so far these have not been developed properly

REASON : Materials in the environment which have the potential to satisfy human needs but human beings do not have the appropriate technology to access these, are included among developed resources.

(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

(c) Assertion is true but reason is false

(d) Both assertion & reason are false.

 Enumerate any three features of ‘regur’soil

Ans : Feature of ‘regur’ soil :

a. Regur soil is also known as black soil.

b. It is ideal for growing cotton, so it is also known

as ‘black cotton soil’.

c. It is made up of extremely fine clayey material.

d. It is rich in soil nutrients, calcium carbonate,

magnesium, potash and lime.

e. It develops cracks in hot weather. It can hold

moisture and is sticky when wet

 Distinguish b/w Khadar & Bhangar soil


Ques : How can you contribute to minimize the pollution. Explain.

Ans : We can contribute to minimize the pollution


a. Planting more plants and trees.

b. Using non-conventional sources of energy such

as solar and wind energy.

c. Using public transport instead of personal car motor bike etc.

d. Saving water and electricity.

e. Controlling mining & overgrazing to avoid land degradation.

 Explain the resources on the basis of origin & exhaustibility.

Resources on the basis of origin

Based on their origin, resources can be abiotic or biotic. Abiotic resources are non-living while biotic resources are living. Soils, rocks and minerals are abiotic but plants and animals are biotic resources. 

Resources on the basis of exhaustibilty

On the Basis of exhaustibility, resources can be renewable or non-renewable.

Renewable resources are those which get renewed or replenished quickly. 

Non-renewable resources are those which have a limited stock. 

What do you understand by the term ‘land degradation’? Which human activities lead to land

degradation ?

Ans : Land resource is fixed and cannot be increased.Land resource has been used since the ancient time.This continuous usage of land over a long period of time, without taking necessary steps to conserve and manage it has resulted in land degradation. As a matter of fact, the quality of the land has become inferior due to regular loss of fertility and irregular usage. Human activities have also contributed towards land degradation, such as :

a. Deforestation i.e., cutting down of forests.

b. Overgrazing.

c. Mining i.e., extraction of valuable minerals from

the soil.

d. Mineral processing like grinding of limestone.

e. Faulty methods of cultivation and over-irrigation.

What is resource planning? Why is resource planning essential? Explain it with three reasons

Ans : Resource planning is a procedure of proper utilisation of resources. Resource planning is

important because :

a. Resources in India are not evenly distributed. Some parts of the county are rich in one resource but deficient in other important resources which are essential. For example, Rajasthan is rich in solar and wind energy but lacks water resource. Jharkhand is rich in minerals and coal deposits but lack in industrialisation. This is the reason why resource planning is essential. An effectiveresource planning will help in effective use of the resources available in the environment.

b. Secondly, most of the resources present in our environment are limited. Therefore, if these resources are not preserved or not used rationally we will be in great trouble. For example : Petrolis a limited resource and it cannot be renewed. Exhaustion of petrol will create huge chaos in the country as we are extensively dependent on the Petrol.

c. Thirdly, resource planning is important because it minimises the wastage or over utilisation of resources. The very first step of resource planning is to make a list of resources available in the environment. This helps us to assess which resources should be used and how much it should be used to prevent over utilisation and minimise wastage


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