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31. Consider the following assessment question:

'What are the ways in which people can participate in a democracy? Following are some answers that you get from students.

Which answer reflects the student's understanding of the question and his/her ability to give a comprehensive 'to-the-point' answer?

(1) 'Some key elements that influence the working of a democratic government are people's participation, resolution of conflict and commitment to equality and justice.'

2) Voting,dharna, rallies, social movements.

(3) By voting in elections.'

(4) In a democracy, people participate by voting in elections. All governments are elected for fixed periods. In India this period is five years.'

32.Consider the following assessment question: 'What is the difference between weekly markets and shopping malls?"

Below are some answers written by students. In which answer does the student fail to display the ability of comparing/contrasting?

(1) "The products sold in weekly markets could be bought at cheap rates whereas only a few people can afford products sold. in shopping malls.'

(2) Weekly markets do not have permanent shops whereas the shops in shopping malls are built to last.'

(3) 'Weekly markets run in both rural and urban areas whereas a shopping mall is usually seen in urban areas.'

(4) 'Weekly markets are markets which are held on a specific day of the week whereas shopping malls are multi-storeyed buildings with shops on different floors.'

33. Some students of Class VI question that if the Earth is not flat, then how are maps showing everything as flat?

What will be the best way to address this question?

(1)Showing animatedly how maps and globes resemble our Earth

(2) Showing the maps to the students

(3) Ask them to find out the reason themselves

(4) Showing the globe to the students

34. Read the following statements and choose the correct option:

Assertion (A):

Social Science has a strong correlation with Arts.

Reason (R):

Paintings, sculptures, prehistoric artifacts, etc. represent proof of many domains of Social Sciences.

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(4) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

35. Read the following statements and choose the 35 correct option:

Statement A:

The nature of Social Science is evidence-based,empirical and verifiable.

Statement B:

Its study often leads to interpretations of a single event. to multiple

(1) A is true, but B is false.

(2) Both A and B are false.

(3), A is false, but B is true.

(4) Both A and B are true.

36. Rosy drew a picture of a woman as a nurse and a man as an engineer. On asking the reason behind it, she replied, 'women make better nurses because they are more patient and gentle, whereas science requires a technical mind and women are not capable of dealing with technical things'.

What does Rosy's statement reflect?

(1) Gender constancy

(2) Gender stereotype

(3) Gender typing

(4) Gender discrimination

37. To familiarise students about election procedure in India, which one of the following would be the best pedagogical method?

(1) Asking students to conduct survey in their neighbourhood about election

(2) Organizing an election in the class for class representatives

(3) Screening a documentary on a local election

(4) Inviting an expert for a lecture

38. The best possible practice for sensitizing 3 students towards the life of tribals and nomadic pastoralists would be:

(1) screening a movie or documentary on Bakarwals.

(2) lecture and seminar.

(3) a group discussion on tribes and nomadic pastoralists.

(4) textbook reading.

39. While students are engaged in a group discussion on uses of water, a teacher should use the blackboard in which of the following manner?

(1) Arranging responses around concepts, themes and issues.

(2) Noting responses of students who are considered bright in the class.

(3) Listen to the students but not necessary to record.

(4) Recording every word said in the discussion.

40. A teacher takes students of upper primary classes to the District Court, after finishing the lesson on 'Criminal Justice System'. Which of the following objectives is/are most appropriate for the visit ?

A. To provide experience of the functioning of courts and interact with lawyers, judges and staff on the roles they play.

B. To show the challenges of seeking justice and create awe of the system.

C. To scare students by showing difficulties faced by those implicated in various cases and encourage law keeping.

Choose the correct option:

(1) Only

(2) Only B

(3) A, B and C

(4) Only A

41. Which of the following are the prevailing misconceptions about Social Science ?

A. It is a non-utilitarian subject.

B. Natural Sciences are superior to the Social Sciences.

C. It rewards memorisation of superfluous 'facts'.

D. The only job option open to students specialising in the Social Sciences is in academics.

Choose the correct option:

(1) A, B and C

(2) B and C

(3) A, B, C and D

(4) A, C and D

42. Which of the following concepts (A to D) should a child have prior knowledge about to understand the concept of the Torrid Zone?

A Longitudes

B. Globe

C. Insolation

D. Latitudes

Choose the correct option:

(1) A, C and D

(2) B, C and D

(3) A, B and D

(4) A, B and C

43. Read the following statements and choose the correct option:

Assertion (A):

The change in nomenclature, from Civics to Political Science was to bring back the focus towards issues of contemporary India.

Reason (R):

'Civics' appeared in the Indian school curriculum during Colonial period against the background of increasing disloyalty among Indians towards the British Raj.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).


Which of the following activities would help children to critically think about women's work in society?

A. Asking students to write slogans emphasizing the importance of equality between men and women.

B. Asking students to observe how much leisure time men and women have respectively and to think about why that is 80.

C. Showing them data regarding how many girl students get to attend schools and asking them to talk about the impact that might have on their job opportunities.

Choose the correct option:

1) A and B

(2) Only C

3) Band C

(4) Only A

45. While taking a class on the topic of 'Government', which of the following questions 4 can you pose to students to encourage both social awareness and critical thinking skills in them?

(1) List out three differences between a monarchy and a democratic government.'

(2) 'What are the features of a democratic government?

(3) We saw how the pandemic had disproportionately placed the burden of healthcare on doctors and frontline workers. Do you think any protest organized by them demanding better working conditions from the government is justified? Support your answer with reasons, 

(4) You have been noticing for quite some time that the area near your house gets flooded every time it rains during the monsoon season. You and your neighbours decide that something has to be done regarding this issue. Which level of government Local, State or Central, would you approach if you have such a grievance?"

46. A teacher writes expected learning objectives for her lesson plan as: 'Students will be able to compare a weekly market with a shopping complex'. This objective will require students to demonstrate their:

(1) Application

(2) Understanding

(3) Analysis

(4) Knowledge

47. Which of the following assessment questions is 47 the most appropriate to test students' understanding and appreciation of Indian federalism?

(1) Write a brief note on the three organs of the state: the legislature, the executive and the judiciary.

(2) What are the three levels of the government? What are their functions ?

(3) What do you think might happen if we did not have any state and local governments and all decisions were made at the Centre?

(4) Define federalism.

48. Consider the following assessment question: "Why does a democratic country need a constitution?

Which of the following answers given by your students indicate a lack of understanding of the question?

(1)Student C: A constitution ensures that a dominant group does not use its power against less powerful groups.

(2) Student B: A constitution gives us a set of rules on the basis of which a country is to be governed.

(3) Student D: A constitution usually contains rules that ensure that minorities are not excluded from anything that is routinely available to the majority.

(4) Student A: A constitution lays down rules that guard against the misuse of authority by our political leaders.

49. Read the following statements and choose the correct option: Assertion (A):

A scrapbook is an effective way of making students learn about the different types of vegetation present in various regions of the world through pictures.

Reason (R):

A scrapbook must be assessed only by the cost of different materials used in it

1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

50. What kinds of questions can students be asked in order to test their factual knowledge ?

(1)Knowledge of terminologies

(2) Knowledge.of classifications and


(3) Strategic knowledge

(4) Knowledge of subject-specific skills

51. If Greenwich Meridian Time is 12 noon, then what will be the time at 45° East longitude?

(1) 9 a.m.

(2) 3 p.m.

(3) 10 a.m.

(4) 2 p.m.

52. Sea caves are formed in coastal areas. Select the suitable reason for formation of sea caves:

(1) Erosion and deposition by waves

(2) Wind erosion

(3) Man made activity

(4) Falling of rocks

53. Natural vegetation varies from place to place. Why do evergreen trees grow near the equatorial region?

Choose the appropriate reason from the following:

(1) Moderate temperature and moderate rainfall

(2) Heavy rainfall and high temperature

(3) Low rainfall and high temperature

(4) Moderate rainfall and low temperature

54. Consider the following statements about latitudes. Which of the following is correct?

(1) Arctic Circle is at 23.5.north of the equator. 

(2) Tropic of Capricorn passes through southern hemisphere. 

(3) Antarctic Circle is at 23.5 south of the equator.

(4) Tropic of Cancer passes through the southern hemisphere.

55. An imaginary line drawn on a globe to divide it into two equal parts is known as the

(1) Equator

(2) Tropic of Capricorn

(3) Arctic Circle

(4) Tropic of Cancer

56. Choose the correct statements about the globe from the following:

A. Longitudes and latitudes are drawn on the globe.

B. It is tilting on its axis.

C. It is a true model of the Earth.

D. It is oval in shape.

Choose the correct option:

(1) B, C and D

(2) A, B and D

(3) A, C and D

(4) A, B and C

57. Stratosphere has ideal conditions for flying aeroplanes. Choose the correct reason:

(1) High air pressure

(2) Low air pressure

(3) Free from clouds and related weather phenomena

(4) Windy conditions

58. Match the following pairs correctly:

Column I

A. Ozone layer

B. Radio transmission

C. Weather phenomenon

D. Thin air

Column II

I. Troposphere

II. Exosphere

III. Stratosphere

IV. Thermosphere

Choose the correct option:

(1) A-II, В-III, C-IV, D-I

(2) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV

(3) A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III

(4) A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II

59. Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current because it

(1) moves from poles to equator

(2) gets heated from underground

(3) gets heated by hot springs

(4) originates near the equator

60. Match the following pairs:

Types of Farming

A. Shifting cultivation

B. Commercial grain farming

C. Intensive subsistence agriculture

D. Nomadic herding


I. Semi-arid and arid regions

II. Thickly populated areas

III. Thickly forested areas

IV. Temperate Grasslands

Choose the correct option:

(1) A-1, B-II, C-IV, D-III

(2) A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I、

(3) A-II, В-III, C-I, D-IV

(4) A-IV, B-I, C-III, D-II

61. Choose the false statement from the following 6 statements on 'Energy Resources'.

(1) Biogas causes a greenhouse effect.

(2) Solar energy is renewable energy.

(3) Tidal energy is exhaustible.

(4) Wind energy is non-polluting.

62. Which of the following means of transport is cheapest for carrying heavy and bulky goods over long distances?

(1) Waterways

(2) Railways

(3) Airways

(4) Roadways

63. Suggest the type of resources we should use more, in order to save our environment.

(1) Non-renewable resources

(2) Renewable resources

(3) Human made resources

(4) Abiotic resources

64. During a class activity, the teacher asked students to select dolls which identified closely with Adivasis. Most of the students picked up dolls wearing colourful clothes, headgear and in dancing postures. What does this behaviour demonstrate?

(1) Discrimination

(2) Stereotype

(3) Progressiveness

(4) Prejudice

65. Being prejudiced towards someone implies:

A. To judge them negatively.

B. To consider them superior.

C. To disrespect those who are different.

D. To discriminate against members of a group.

Choose the correct option:

(1) A, C and D

(2) B, C and D

(3) A, B, C and D

(4) A, B and C

66. Read the following statements and choose the correct option:

Assertion (A):

Federal system fulfils the needs and demands of the cultural diversities in India.

Reason (R):

It establishes multiple levels of governance in the country.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

67. Which of the following incidents are identified 6 as violative of "The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989?

A. Violence by 'upper caste' people against Scheduled Caste people.

B. Forcing a member of a Scheduled Caste community to eat obnoxious substance.

C. Allowing non-tribal timber merchants to exploit tribal land.

D. Marrying a member of Scheduled Caste community.

Choose the correct option:

(1) A, B and D

(2) A, C and D

(3) A, B, C and D

(4) A, B and C

68. "The Mid-day meal scheme has helped reduce caste prejudices among students and promoted social justice." Explain the statement by choosing the correct option.

A. Children of all castes eat together.

B. In many places, Dalit employed to cook meals. women are

C. Enrolment of poor children in schools has increased many times.✓

D. Reduced the dropout rates in schools.


(1) A, B and D

(2) A, C and D

(3) A, B, C and D

(4) A, B and C

69. Which among the following provisions ensures independence of Indian Judicial system?

A. The legislature is not involved in the process of appointment of judges

B. Fixed tenure of judges

C. Parliament cannot discuss the conduct of judges

D. The President administers the oath to the Chief Justice of Supreme Court

Choose the correct option:

(1) A, B and D

(2) A, C and D

(3) A, B, C and D

(4) A, B and C

70. The work performed by a homemaker goes unnoticed and unpaid as compared to the official work performed by an office going lady who gets salary and respect. Examine the possible reason behind this:

(1) Overvaluation of official work

2) Less time taken for household work

(3) Patriarchal set-up of Indian society

(4) Devaluation of household work

71. The Supreme Court has interpreted the Right to food, Right to privacy and Right to pollution-free water and air under the ambit of which Fundamental Right granted to Indian citizens?

(1) Article 19

(2) Article 21

(3) Article 14

(4) Article 20

72. "Indian secularism is different from secularism practised in the USA." Identify the correct options from below which identify the differences between the two.

A. In USA, neither the state nor religion can interfere in each other's matters.

B. In the Indian Constitution, there is a provision for Protection of Minority Rights.

C. Both USA and India maintain strict separation between state affairs and religious affairs.

D. In USA, state can allow religious reforms, unlike India.

Choose the correct option:

(1) B and C

(2) A and C

(3) C and D

(4) A and B

73. The term "All persons are equal before the law" means:

A. that all the citizens regardless of their socio-economic status have to obey the same law.

B. no person can be discriminated against, in the eyes of the law, on the grounds of race/colour, religion, caste or gender.

C. inequalities cease to exist.

D. it ensures fair opportunities and a life of dignity for all the citizens.

Choose the correct option:

(1) A, B and D

(2) B, C and D

(3) A, B, Cand D

(4) A, B and C

74. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched ?

Work                  Forms of Employment

A. Mason—-Daily wage labourers 

B. Domestic worker—--Casual workers

C. Vegetable vendor -Self-employed

D. Supervisor in a shop– Businesspersons

Choose the correct option:

(1) A, B and E

(2) A. B and C

(3) A, C and B

(4) A and B

75. The cities have witnessed increasing rural-urban migration which has resulted in growth of slum areas near the industrial sites. The reasons for this type of migration are:

A. Deterioration in living standards in urban areas 

B. Disruption of rural labour market

C. Decreased agricultural productivity

D. Increased skilled workforce in rural areas

Choose the correct option:

(1) A, B and D

(2) A, C and D

(3) A, B, C and D

(4) B and C

76. Which among the following services can be included in the 'Public Services'?

A. Police Services

B. Judicial Services

C. Educational Services

D. Construction Services

Choose the correct option:

(1) A, B and D

(2) B, C and D

(3)  A, B, C and D

(4) A. B and C

(77) The Ilbert Bill was opposed in 1883 because

A. Indians opposed the Bill as it gave a free hand to the British government to have trials of Indiana without evidence.

B. Britishers opposed the Bill as Indiana could take up trial of British or European people.

C. the Bill sought equality between British and Indian judges.

D. the Bill was racist towards Indian people.

Choose the correct option:

  1. Only C

  1. Band C

(3) Only D

(4) A and D

78. Consider the following statements with reference to post-independence India:

Assertion (A):

Despite constitutional recognition of equality before law, some Indians are more equal than others.

Reason (R):

The ideals set out in the Indian Constitution have not yet been fulfilled.

Choose the correct option:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct reason for (A).

(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct reason for (A).

(4) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

79. Below are two statements A and B in the context of Khilafat Movement.

A. In 1920, the British imposed a harsh treaty on the Turkish Sultan (Khalifa).

B. Indian Muslims were keen that the Khalifa was not allowed to retain contro over Muslim sacred places in th erstwhile Ottoman empire.

Choose the correct option:

(1) A is true, but B is false.

(2) Both A and B are false.

(3) A is false, but B is true.

(4) Both A and B are true.

80. Read the following statements and choose the correct option:

Assertion (A):

As the indigo trade grew, commercial agents and officials of the Company began investing in indigo production.

Reason (R):

Attracted by the prospect of high profits, numerous Scotsmen and Englishmen came to India and became planters.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

81. Which of the following statements are true about Buddha's teachings?

A. Our sufferings and unhappiness are a result of our past births.

B. Our sufferings and unhappiness are a result of our cravings and desires.

C. All believers had to accept and follow the teachings of Buddha for a happy life.

Choose the correct option:

(1) B and C

(2) A and C

(3) A, B and C

(4) A and B

82. The increased demand for Indian textiles in European markets in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries led to the following changes for Indian weavers:

A. Expanding crafts of spinning, bleaching and dyeing

B. Increased independence in working of craftspersons

C. Variety in designs and increased creativity of craftspersons

D. Working on a new system of advance payments from agents

Choose the correct option:

(1) A and D

(2) Band C

(3) Cand D

(4) A and B

83. Jyotirao Phule's book of 1873 on the dismal conditions of 'lower' castes was dedicated to:

(1) Nationalists of anti-colonial movement of India.

(2) Bhakti singers.

(3) Anti-slavery activists of American Civil War.

\(4) Brahmo Samaj reformers.

84. Consider the following statements:

A. By the second half of the nineteenth century, people from within the non-Brahmin castes began organising movements against caste discrimination and demanded social equality and justice.


B. The Satnami Movement in Central India was founded by Ghasidas who worked among the leather workers and organised a movement to improve their social status.

Choose the correct option:

(1) A is true, but B is false.

2) Both A and B are true, but B is not an example of A.

(3) Both A and B are false.

(4) Both A and B are true and B is an example of A.

85. Who among the following reinterpreted verses from Quran to argue for women's education?

(1)Begum Anis Qidwai

(2) Mumtaz Ali

(3) Hajara Beebi Ismail

(4) Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain

86. We know very less about tribal groups in the medieval period because:

(1) they did not keep written records so there is less information.

(2) they were not living in areas where medieval rulers ventured.

(3) they came into limelight only after the British established their rule.

(4) they were isolated and lived in seclusion.

87. "In the register of God's creation, since her account did not fall under the column of men, how did she gain from all of her excellent qualities?" For whom was this passage written in the thirteenth century?

(1) Didda

(2) Raziyya

(3) Gautami

(4) Rudramadevi

88. Which of the following statements is/are true about technology used in the twelfth century?

A. Arches were constructed to transfer the weight of the superstructure.

B. The centre of the arch was called the base stone.

Choose the correct option:

(1) Only A

(2) Neither A nor B

(3) Only B

(4) Both A and B


89. In which of the following Palaeolithic sites, were tools made of limestone found?

(1) Koldihwa

(2) Inamgaon

(3) Brahmagiri

(4) Hunsgi

90. Which one of the following is not true for Mahajanapadas regarding the collection of regular taxes ?

(1) Hunters and gatherers also had to provide forest produce to the Raja.

(2) There were taxes on goods that were bought and sold, through trade.

(3) Usually tax on crops was fixed at ½ (half) of what was produced.

(4) Herders were expected to pay taxes in the form of animals and animal produce.











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