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Growth and Development // Its Principles//CTET// WBTET//RRB//ALL TET EXAMS

 Growth and Development // Its Principles//CTET// anyother teaching exams

Growth refers to quantitative changes in the body. 

According to the Crow and Crow(1962) Growth refers to structural & physiological changes”.

The main indicators of growth are increase in height, weight and changes in the body structure and body proportions. 

Changes continue to occur in all domains of development but changes that take place in the physical development of children become most visible and apparent. 
One of the important features of growth is that these changes are measurable. 
The sequence, pattern and direction of changes in growth are common to all children although the rate of growth may vary from one child to another.

The terms growth and development are used interchangeably, but they are different and neither takes place alone. 
Growth refers to an actual biological or quantitative increase in size, such as the enlargement of the body or any of its component parts by an increase in the number of cells. 
Increased head size, arm and leg length and weight are what are generally referred to as result of the growth process.
Thus growth is confined to the physical changes which are quantifiable. 


Development refers to a continuous process of changes through which task managing abilities of the individual are polished resulting in experiences and learning.
Development refers to qualitative changes in the body as well as changes in behaviour and attitude. 

It is difficult to measure or quantify development as these changes are not quantitative. 
It is important to note that physical growth is measurable quantitatively; however, certain changes such as cognitive and socioemotional maturity may not be measured in quantitative terms. 
These need to be measured in qualitative terms. 
Development is governed by certain principles. 

Principle of Growth and Development : 


 Development is Continuous: 

The process of growth and development continues from the conception till the individual reaches maturity. Development of both physical and mental traits continues gradually until these traits reach their maximum growth. It goes oncontinuously throughout life. Even after maturity has been attained, development does not end. 

 Development is Gradual: It does not come all on a sudden. It is also cumulative in nature. 

 Development is Sequential / Predictable pattern: Development is sequential or orderly. Every species, whether animal or human, follows a pattern of development peculiar to it. This pattern in general is the same for all individuals. The child crawls before he creeps, stands before he walks and babbles before he talks.

Rate of Development Varies Person to Person: Rate of development is not uniform. Individuals differ in the rate of growth and development. Boys and girls have different development rates. Each part of the body has its own particular rate of growth. There are periods of great intensity and equilibrium and there are periods of imbalance.

  Development according to Growth Gradients: Diffrentiation: Development proceeds from general to specific: learn to walkbefore they skip 

Cephalo-caudal: growth occurs from top to down; infants gain control over head movement then the control over trunk and leg movements. 

Proximo-distal: growth occurs from centre to periphery; gain control of leg movements then foot and finally toe movements.

With respect to emotional behaviour infants approach strange and unusual objects with some sort of general fear response. Later, their fears become more specific and elicit different kinds of behaviour, such as, crying, turning away and hiding etc. 

 Inter-correlation in Different Aspects of Development: Generally, it is seen that the child whose mental development is above average, is also superior in so many other aspects like health, sociability and special aptitudes. 

 Growth and Development is a Product of Both Heredity and Environment: Development is influenced by both heredity and environment. Both are responsible for human growth and development.  Development in Sensitive and Critical Periods is Important: There are specific periods in development when potential for growth is maximal. Potentials, be they physical, mental or emotional can be seriously damaged by unfavourable conditions in the critical or sensitive periods. 

 Development occurs at Different Rates: There are slow, medium, and rapid rates of development depending on the age and environmental influences.

  There is a Constant Interaction between All Factors of Development: Development in one area is highly related to development in other areas. For example, a child who has a good health can be active socially and intellectually.


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