👉👉‘motor development’ refers to the development of
control over body movements. This results in increasing coordination
between various parts of the body. The child is able to hop, jump, and
climb because of the control over his body. Motor development can be
divided into the development of gross and fine motor skills.
👉👉Gross motor skills are those skills which require the coordination of
the large muscles of the body such as those of the neck, shoulders, trunk,
hips and the upper and lower limbs. Running, walking, jumping and throwing
are examples of gross motor skills.
👉👉Fine motor skills are those skills
which require the use of the small muscles of the body such as those
of wrist, hand and fingers. Picking up objects, grasping them, drawing and
the cutting are examples of fine motor skills.
👉👉As a principle of development, gross motor skills are
acquired before the fine motor skills and the child acquires gross
motor coordination before fine motor co-ordination. For example, a
child learns to use his entire hand for holding objects (gross motor skill)
before he is able to grasp with his fingers (fine motor skill).
👉👉Gross motor skills
Involve the large muscles in the arms, legs, and torso
Enable balance, coordination, reaction time, and physical strength
Examples include walking, running, jumping, throwing, pushing, pulling, rolling, crawling, and sitting
👉👉Fine motor skills
Involve the small muscles in the hands and wrists
Enable hand-eye coordination
Examples include writing, drawing, cutting, buttoning, folding clothes, typing, zipping, and tying shoes
👉👉Activities that help develop fine motor skills:
Cutting out shapes with scissors
Threading beads on laces
Picking up small objects
Drawing lines
Playing with puzzles
The development of the seven sensory systems is necessary for children to effectively develop gross and fine motor skills.
Physical development covers a wide range of gross and fine motor skills (outputs) that are made in response to sensory input.
Gross motor skills refer to the controlling of large body movements that involve large muscle groups, including core stability and posture e.g. pushing, pulling, rolling, crawling, walking and sitting still.
Fine motor skills refer to physical skills that involve small muscles and hand-eye coordination. Movements are more controlled and precise and often a well-developed pincer grip is needed