Every child has the right to quality education and learning.----UNICEF
(United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund)
"The problem is not to wipe out the differences but how to unite with the differences intact."---Rabindranath Tagore
Concept of Inclusive Education
★Inclusive Education:-
★ The principle of inclusive education was adopted at the “World Conference on Special Needs Education: Access and Quality” (Salamanca Statement, Spain 1994) and was restated at the World Education Forum (Dakar, Senegal 2000).
★ The idea of Inclusive Education (IE) agenda gained momentum following the famous Salamanca Statement and Framework of Action on Special Needs Education (UNESCO, 1994) which aimed at furthering the objective of Education for All (EFA). The Salamanca Framework emphasised that fundamental policy shifts were required to enable schools to serve all children, particularly those with special educational needs.
✔Inclusive education is essentially a classroom model. In this classroom, children with special needs (with learning disabilities) are taught alongside students without learning disabilities. Disabilities can include vision loss, walking or posture impairment, speech and language developmental issues, hearing problems etc. The children with special education requirement spend most of their time in school mingling with non-special needs children. This model often requires the co-teaching facility, which means that both a special education teacher and general education teacher are present in the same classroom and teach together. That is why this approach is also called Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) or Collaborative Team Teaching (CTT).
✅Inclusive Education is an approach to educate all children who are at stake of total involvement in the education system. It expects that all learners learn together through access to common educational provisions.. the parents, community and teachers, all need to be cooperative towards the diverse needs of children.
✔The chief objectives of this model of education are –
👉To tear down all hurdles to participation and learning that children with special needs face
👉Protect the interests of all students without discrimination
👉Provide equal access to education to empower all students alike and to help them reach their full potential.
👉Create a loving environment that promotes understanding, problem solving and collaboration
👉Prevent social exclusion or the relegation of children with special needs to the margins of society
👉Increase the diversity of a classroom by bringing together children from varied backgrounds and with different strengths and weaknesses so that they can all learn and be inspired by each other.
Principles of Inclusive Education
1. No Discrimination with students:
The should be no discrimination in educational institutions, the students should be equally treated regardless of social background, race, gender, religion, Children with disabilities must be able to access education without discrimination and on the basis of equality.
2. Equal Education opportunity to all:
There should be equality of opportunity in education, where everyone has fair and equal access to a good quality education regardless of being disabled, social background, race, gender or religion, and where people achieve success in education according to their efforts and ability, free of any form of discrimination.
3. The students view are listened to and taken seriously:
Children have the right to be able to express their views on all matters affecting them and to have those views taken seriously, in accordance with the child’s age and maturity. This does not mean that you must do whatever children want.
4. School adapt to the need of students:
Inclusive education provides such learning environment that promotes all round development of all learners together in the same educational settings. The content, the teaching process, assessment and evaluation, and the physical environment may be modified to help students to achieve success in the classroom.
5. Individual differences between students are a source of richness and diversity, and not a problem:
The importance of individual differences in education has been known for a long time. Adjusting the learning environment according to the individual needs of the student and preparing the curricular by considering these individual differences will help the development of individuals.
What are the Benefits?
✔It teaches students to accept and tolerate individual differences and enhances the interaction between students with learning disabilities and those without disabilities
✔Inclusive classrooms give children with special needs a sense of security and a feeling that they belong and are not ostracised
✔Fosters friendship among all kinds of children
✔It can help develop and build special talents and every child is encouraged with the right amount of expectation that is suitable for him/her
✔Builds team spirit among the students
✔Bring parents of all kinds of students together so that they too can contribute to their children’s education
✔Children with special needs have different behavioural models which might not help them integrate into society. But if they spend considerable time with students without special needs, they can observe and learn the society accepted code of behaviour
In inclusive classrooms, the same kind of education is imparted to all students. Children with learning disabilities are given the course material that is age-appropriate and functional which is often not the case in segregated classrooms
Help students to cope up in environment
Inclusive education
Regular school
Change the system
Should give attention
Appropriate method
Special school
Special education
Integrated education
Cohesive education
Change the child
Sit separately
Appropriate education
Types of Learning Disabilities
1-Dyslexia: Difficulty reading
2-Dyscalculia: Difficulty with math
3-Dysgraphia: Difficulty with writing
4- Dyspraxia: Difficulty with fine motor skills
5-Dysphasia/Aphasia: Difficulty with language
6-Auditory Processing Disorder: Difficulty hearing differences
between sounds
7- Visual Processing Disorder: Difficulty interpreting visual
8-ADD/ADHD: Attention deficit disorder
(Attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder)
9-Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism – It is a developmental disorder such as autism and
May have trouble communicating, reading , body language,
Learning basic skills, making friends, and making eye contact.
- 1. Concept of Inclusive Education, Nature and it’s Objectives
- 2. Inclusive Education • Inclusive Education (IE) is a new approach towards educating the children with disability and learning difficulties with that of normal ones within the same roof.
- 3. Meaning of Inclusive Education • Inclusive Education is defined as a learning environmental that promotes the full personal, academic and professional development of all learners irrespective of race, class, color, gender, disability, sexual preference, learning styles and language
- 4. Inclusive Education as defined by NCF 2005
- • Disability is a social responsibility.
- • No selection procedures to be adopted for denying admission to learner with disabilities.
- • Make provisions and not restrictions, adjust to the needs of the child.
- • Remove Social, physical and attitudinal barriers. • Partnership is our strength such as : School –teacher, teacher – children, children-children, teachers-parents, school system and outside system.
- • All good practices of teaching are practices of inclusion.
- • Learn human rights and conquer human wrong.
- 5. Aims and Objectives of Inclusive Education
- • Education for ALL
- • Protection of rights
- • Identification of skills
- • Development of Social consciousness.
- • To prepare for new challenges
- • To improve quality of education
- 6. Principles of Inclusive Education
- • No discrimination with students.
- • Equal educational opportunities
- • School adapt to the need of student
- • Equal educational benefits for the all students.
- • The student’s views are listened to and taken seriously.
- • Individual differences between students are a source of richness and diversity, and not a problem.
- 7. Need and importance of Inclusive Education
- • To fulfill the constitutional responsibilities.
- • To development of healthy citizenship.
- • For achieving the universalization.
- • Developing feeling of self respect.
- • For social equality.
- • Self reliant.
- 8. Process of Inclusive Education
- • Awareness raising on the right to education for all children at local, regional and national levels.
- • Parents support to understand their children’s educational, social and sometimes medical needs.
- • Policies : Developing inclusive education polities, revising existing policies.
- • Teacher training Programmes to promote inclusive practices.
- • Specialized techniques for teaching children with a range of learning and communication styles and needs.
- 9. Role of Special Educator
- • Interaction with family.
- • To be able to solve their problem.
- • To develop new learning strategies.
- • To be able to develop self confidence.
- • To be able provide special facilities.
- • To be able to look after their personal needs.
- • To be able recognize their hidden talents.
- 10. Initiative programmes taken by Indian Government
- • The Integrated Education for Disabled Children Scheme, (IEDC) launched in December 1974 replaced by IEDSS (2009-10).
- • The District Primary Education Program, 1994.
- • The National Policy on Education, 1986.
- • The Project Integrated Education for the Disabled (PIED), launched in 1987.
- • The persons with disabilities Act, 1995.
- • The Rehabilitation Council Act (1992) made a historic collaboration with National Council for Teacher Education on Jan 19, 2005.
- • A Comprehensive plan of Action for children and youth with disabilities, March 2005 (Making all schools disabled-friendly by 2020).