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CBSE Class 10 Geography Resource and Development PART 1

 CBSE Class 10 Geography Resource and Development PART 1

CBSE Class 10 Geography Resource and Development PART 1

1.      Abiotic Resources : All those resources which are composed of non-living things are called abiotic resources. Land, water, soil and minerals are some of the abiotic resources.

2.      Afforestation : Afforestation means planting trees.

3.      Biotic Resources : Biotic resources are those which have life. Forests and their products, agricultural crops, animals and birds, marine life are some of the examples of biotic resources.

4.     Bad Land : It is a land which is unsuitable for cultivation. Mainly soil erosion converts a fertile land into a bad land.

5.      Conservation : Conservation of natural resources means judicious and planned use of natural resources so that we can get the maximum possible benefit from these resources over the longest possible period of time.

6.      Fallow Land : It is a cultivable land which is uncropped or partially cropped for one or more seasons so that it can regain its fertility.

7.      Gully Erosion : Gully erosion takes place when running water cuts deep ravines in the absence of vegetation. This type of erosion makes the soil unfit for cultivation.

8.      Land Degradation : Rendering the land unfit for cultivation is called degradation of land.

9.      Renewable Resources : These are the resources which can be renewed or reproduced by physical, mechanical or chemical processes in a given period of time. Solar energy, forest, agricultural products,etc. are some of the examples of the renewable resources. CBSE (2009 (F))

10.  Man-made Resources : These are those resources which are created by human beings with the help of machines.

11.  Natural Resources : Natural endowments in the form of land, water, vegetation and minerals are called natural resources. Natural resources are free gifts of nature.

12.  Non-renewable Resources : These are those resources which once used, cannot be replenished. Coal, petroleum, minerals like iron ore,, copper ore, are some of the examples of non-renewable resources.

13. Ravines : A narrow valley created by the action of running water. This is a land which is unsuitable for cultivation due to soil erosion.

14.  Resource Planning : It is a technique or skill of proper utilisation of resources.

15.  Soil : The uppermost layer of the earth’s crust, which is loose, fragmented and useful for growing plants is called the soil.

16.  Soil Erosion : The removal of soil by the forces of nature, particularly wind and water.

17.  Uncultivable Land : This land cannot be used for cultivation because of several reasons.

18.  Shelter belts : Rows of trees which are planted in between the crops are known as shelter belts.

19.  Resources : Everything available in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs, provided, it is technologically accessible, economically feasible and culturally acceptable can be termed as Resources. ,

20.  Stock : These are the materials in the environment which have the potential to satisfy the human needs, but could not be used as the human beings do not have the appropriate technology.

21.  Individual resources : Resources which are owned by private individuals are known as individual resources. Plot, fields, house, car, book, etc. are some examples of individual resources.

22.  Community owned resources : The resources which are accessible to all the members of the community are known as community resources. Village ponds, public parks, playgrounds, etc. are some examples of community resources.

23.  National resources : All the resources which are under the control of state or union government are known as national resources. All the resources within political boundaries are national resources because the government has the power to acquire even private property.

24.  International resources : These resources are owned and regulated by international institutions. The oceanic resources beyond 200 kms of Exclusive Economic Zone belong to open ocean and no individual country can utilise these without the concurrence of international institutions.

25. Potential resources : Resources which are found in a region, but have not been utilised due to lack of capital or other reasons. For example, the western parts of India particularly Rajasthan and Gujarat have enormous potential for the development of wind and solar energy, but so far these have not been developed properly.

26.  Developed resources: These are resources which have been surveyed and their quality and quantity have been determined for utilisation. The development of resources depends on technology and level of their feasibility. For example, India has a cumulative total of 2,47,847 million tones of coal resources.


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