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A. Fill in the blanks

1.      resource is something that helps us to meet our needs and create wealth.

Explanation: Anything available in our environment that can be used to fulfil our desires is recognized as a resource

2.      The working population of a country includes both skilled and unskilled human resources.


Skilled human resource

Unskilled human resource

It refers to the persons who are trained, well educated, energetic, experienced, devoted to their field.

It refers to the person who possesses no special training and whose work involves the performance of simple duties.

Skilled human resource is capable of doing any specific work in a balanced way and efficiently.

It is a workforce associated with limited skill or minimal economic value for the work performed.

For example, teachers, lawyers, doctors, engineers etc.

For example, peon, watchman, cleaner, sweeper, gardener, labourer etc.


3.      Scientists and doctors are example of skilled human resources.

Explanation: Skilled human resources refers to the candidate with the education , training and experience to perform specific skill very well without much more than an orientation to your company's culture.

4.      Unskilled human resources include people with little education.

Explanation: These is the people who do not possess any special training or skill. They are not properly educated.

5.      Good education changes the attitude and behaviour of people.


B. Write true or false

1. A skilled person can easily be replaced.
Answer. False.
A skilled person cannot easily be replaced.

2. IT professionals are unskilled resources.
Answer. False.
IT professionals are skilled resources.

3. Unskilled workers have a high income.
Answer. False.
Unskilled workers have a low income.

4. Education improves the understanding of people.
Answer. True.

5. India has 16.9 per cent of the world’s land area.
Answer. False.
India has 16.9 per cent of the world’s population.

C. Match the columns


D. Answer these questions briefly

Question 1.
What do you understand by the term human resources ?
The term human resources refers to the size of the population of a country along with its efficiency, educational qualities, productivity, organisational abilities and farsightedness.

Question 2.
What are the differences between skilled and unskilled human resources ?
Skilled human resources :

1.      These people have specialised training to perform their work.

2.      These people have different levels of formal education.

3.      These people do jobs that require knowledge and skill and they cannot be easily replaced.

4.      They generally earn high income.

5.      Examples – doctors, engineers, scientist, lawyer, teacher, etc.

Unskilled human resources :

1.      These people have very limited skills.

2.      The people have very little formal education.

3.      Their jobs do not require any specialized skills and they can be easily replaced.

4.      They generally earn low wage.

5.      Examples : workers at construction sites, domestic help, sanitation workers, etc.

Question 3.
Which areas in India are thickly populated ?
The vast northern plains like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal and coastal plains are thickly populated areas in India.

Question 4.
Define sex ratio.
Sex ratio is defined as the number of females per thousand males.
As per the Census, sex ratio has increased from 933 females per thousand males in 2001 to 943 females per thousand males in 2011

Question 5.
Why is the sex ratio low in Punjab and Haryana ?
The sex ratio is low in Punjab (893) and Haryana (877) because of :

Social stigma and control on women.

Our society which is mostly patriarchal sees women not equal to men in social status. Particularly in rural areas, extreme mindset prevails seeing women as property and access to having son. Besides, domestic violence is also rampant.

Female foeticide.

Parents show preference for son and hence, pre natal sex determination is rampant. Most of the. Expecting parents prefer abortion of unborn child if confirmed to be a girl.

E. Answer these questions in one or two paragraphs

Question 1.
Why is human resource important for a country ?
Human resource is important for a country as The human resources of a country help to increase the production of different goods and services. By using skilled human resources, a country can produce a variety of goods and services having high quality

Question 2.
Explain briefly the impact of skilled human resource on the socio-economic development of the country.
Human resources play an important role in the overall development of a country.
Human resources are required for the proper utilization of a country’s natural resources like mineral, water, forest, etc. because the optimal utilization of these resources is necessary for the economic development of the country.
Skilled and the knowledgeable human resources make a rational use of all resources at their disposal and increase the volume of output and income for a country. They are well versed in using modem technology and thus help to bring development in a country. They help to increase production by producing a variety of goods and services of high quality.
The development of human resource works as a tool for economic change. It can make people knowledgeable, skilled and physically healthy. This can lead to a change in the attitudes of the people, develop their thought process and improve the quality of their life. Such changes encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship and motivate people to work hard, take risks, do research and explore their innovative capacity.

Question 3.
Discuss the role of health and education in developing human resources.
Health and education play a very important role in the development of human resource. Health people can work well and do things quickly. They are able to utilize other resources in a better way. Unhealthy people are unable to perform well and spend money on their treatment which could otherwise be used to acquire other valuable resources or enhance their skills.
Education also plays an important role in the development of human resource. When a person receives good education, it improves his or her level of understanding increases their capacity and mental efficiency to produce more and changes the attitude and behaviour of people as they gain more confidence in themselves. A country with high proportion of well educated people can achieve rapid economic growth.

Question 4.
What do you know about the rural-urban population composition in India ?
Population of India may be classified into rural and urban population depending on where the people live.
Rural population — They live in villages. They generally earn their livelihood from agriculture, livestock rearing and other primary activities. In India, more people live in rural areas (about 69 per cent). In recent years, a large number of people have migrated from rural to urban areas in search of job, good education and better living conditions.
Urban population — They live in cities and towns. They earn their livelihood from jobs in offices, factories, trade, transport and services. In India, about 31 per cent people live in urban areas. Migration from rural to urban areas have had an impact on the population of urban areas.

Question 5.
Give an account of the distribution of population in India.
India is the second most populous country in the world after China. We have just 2.4 per cent of the land area of the world but have about 16.9 per cent of the world’s population. The last census conducted in 2011 recorded the Indian population at 1, 210, 193, 422. Out of these about 69% live in rural areas and 31% in urban areas. Northern plains have highest concentration of population which includes states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. The coastal plains are also thickly populated. The population is thin in the north-eastern states and in the desert region of the west. The Deccan plateau has a moderate population concentration. In India, the sex ratio is 940, which means on an average, we have 940 females to every 1000 males.

Question 6.
Write a note on sex ratio in India.
Sex ratio is defined as the number of females per thousand males. In India, on an average, there are more males than females- 940 females for every 1000 males. In some states, the sex ratio is low like only 877 females to every 1000 males in Haryana and 893 females to every 1000 males in Punjab. There are a number of reasons. Greater mortality rates of female babies and the girl child being killed at birth are two important reasons for poor sex ratio in these states.
Kerala and Puducherry have the highest sex ratio with 1084 females to 1000 males in Kerala and 1038 females to every 1000 males in Puducherry. High literacy rate is the reason for this. The fewer number of females per 1000 males in India is a major concern. Which can raise many social issue.

F. Picture study.

Question 1.
In these pictures (i) and (ii) identify the two types of human resources in terms of skills.

  • A worker at a construction site unskilled person.
  • An IT Professional skilled person.

Question 2.
Mention a characteristics of each type.

1.      Unskilled human resource include people with little formal education and very limited skills. Workers at construction sites, sanitation workers, domestic helps, etc. are examples of unskilled human resource. Their jobs do not require any specialized skill and these people can easily be replaced. They generally earn a low wage.

2.      A skilled person is someone who has specialized training to perform their work. These people have different levels of formal education. Scientists, lawyers, etc. are examples of skilled human resource. These people perform tasks that require knowledge and skill, and they cannot be easily replaced. They generally earn a high income.

Extra Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by mortality rate ?
The number of deaths per 1000 live births is called mortality rate. It is also called as death rate.

Question 2.
Name the two categories of working population (human resource).
The working population of a country is divided into :

  • Skilled human resource
  • Unskilled human resource

Question 3.
What is the impact of skilled human resource on the socio-economic development of India ?
Education is essential for the socio-economic development of a country and plays a key role in the development of skilled human resources. The Indian government has invested heavily in human resource development because it promotes economic growth in country. Education and skill training is necessary for achieving the growth targets. In India, skill training needs attention except for limited professions like engineers, doctors and computer professionals. The government has started the ‘Skill India Mission’ for the youth in order to meet the demands skilled workers and for the economic growth of the nation. Through this mission the unemployed, school dropouts, women, ordinary graduates, etc. are given training based on their knowledge and ability which will prepare them for jobs. Training is also to be given to carpenters, masons, black smiths, cobblers, welders, tailors, weavers, etc.

Question 4.
What is HDI ?
The Human Development Index (HDI), devised by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), measures the level of development in a country. This index is calculated on the basis of per capita income, education, literacy and life expectancy of the population. India ranked 130 among 188 countries in the Human Development Report 2015.

Question 5.
What is census ?
The counting of the country’s population conducted every 10 years in India is called Census.

Question 6.
Mention various factors that affect the distribution of population in our country.
The factors that affect the distribution of population in our country are physical features, climate, availability of natural resources and the level of industrialization.

Question 7.
Why are northern plains thickly populated ?
Northern plains have fertile land which is best suited for agriculture. Transport and communication facilities are well developed and employment opportunities are also good.

8. Fill in the blanks

1.      Skilled human resource cannot be easily replaced while unskilled human resource can be easily replaced.

2.      A country with a high proportion of well-educated people can achieve rapid economic growth.

3.      India’s population is more than the population of North America, South America and Australia put together.

4.      India has 2.4 % of the land area of the world but about 16.9% of the world’s population.

5.      In India sex ratio is 940 females for every 1000 males.

6.      Human beings are the most important resource of a country as they can exploit other resources.

7.      Health and education play an important role in developing human resources.

8.      The Northern plains are thickly populated in India while north eastern states and desert in the west are thinly populated.

9.      Sex ratio is the number of females per thousand males.



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