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Geography paper 2 june 2020 question paper, june 2020

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Geography paper 2 june 2020 question paper, june 2020  PAPER 2 GEOGRAPHY official question paper, solved question  PAPER 2 GEOGRAPHY with answer key, june 2020 PAPER 2 GEOGRAPHY, june 2020 p 2 geography solved paper, solved paper geography ugc net, nta ugc net solved paper june 2020 , june 2020 solved paper, paper 2 june 2020 geography paper solution, june 2020 paper 2, june 2020 paper 2,june 2020 paper 2,june 2020 paper 2,june 2020 paper 2, june 2020 paper 2,june 2020 paper 2,june 2020 paper 2,june 2020 paper 2,june 2020 paper 2, june 2020 paper 2,june 2020 paper 2,june 2020 paper 2

This paper contains fifty (100) multiple choice questions, each questions carrying two (2) marks. Attempt all of them.

Here is solved question of 2020 NOVEMBER

1.Which one of the following percentage of solar radiation reflected back and scattered to space?

(1) 58%

(2) 12%

(3) 30%

(4) 20%

Answer: 3

2. Which one of the following is not a non-renewable resources?

(1) Fish

 (2) Plants

(3) Fossil fuels

(4) Solar energy

Answer: 4

3.Who is recognised as the founder of Scientific Marine Meteorology

(1) L.C. King

(2) M.F. Maury

(3) W.M. Davis

(4) F.P. Shepard

Answer: 2


List I (Types of precipitation). List II (Approximate size)

(A) Mist.             (I) 2 – 5 mm

(B) Snow.   (II) 0.5 – 5 mm

      C)Graupel                (III) 0.005 – 0.05 mm

                        (IV) 1 mm – 20 mm

(D) Sleet

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


Answer: 4

5.Given below are two statements: One is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): The globalization of production is concomitant to the globalization of trade, as one can’t function without the other

Reasons (R): The scale, volume and efficiency of international trade have all continued to increase since the 1970s due to ongoing process of global space / time convergence.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (It) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) in NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct

(4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

Answer: 1

6.Who among the following defined Geography as a Chorological Science?

(1) P.E. James

(2) Hettner .J         

(3) Richthofen

(4) Darwin .C

Answer: 2 

7.Ria is an example of:

(1) Submerged upland shore

(2) Emerged upland shore

(3) Neutral Shore

(4) Compound Shore

Answer: 1

8.Match List I with List II:

List I- (Measurement Methods)

(A) Rank coefficient Method

(B) Crop yield and concentration indices

(C) Carrying capacity of land

(D) Index of Productivity

Last II – (Devised by)

(I) Jasbir Singh

(II) Dudley stamp

(III) Kendall

(IV) M. Shafi

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


Answer: 1

9.Given below are two statements : One is labeled as Assertion (A) and the ether is labeled as Renson (R):

Assertion (A): Along with water vapour. earbon dioxide is largely responsible for the green house effect of the atmosphere.

Reasons: Carbon dioxide is not an important heat absorber.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) in true but (R) is false

(4) (A) is false but (R) is true

Answer: 3

10.Which one of the following percentage of solar radiation reflected back and scattered to space?

(1) 58%

(2) 12%

(3) 30%

(4) 20%

Answer: 3

Given below are two statements:

11.Statement I: In any system of constant mass, energy is neither created nor destroyed.

Statement II: The energy flow in the ecosystem is NOT unidirectional.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

(2) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

(3) Statement I in correct but Statement II in incorrect

(4) Statement is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Answer: 3

12.Given below are two statementa: One is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Laterite soil is formed under the conditions of high temperature and high rainfall with alternate wet and dry periods.

Reasons(R): The laterite soils swell greatly and become sticky when wet in rainy season and also known as ‘Self ploughed’.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (E) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R is NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct

(4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

Answer: 3

13. Histogram is associated with which one of the following data distribution

(1) Discrete frequency distribution

(2) Continuous frequency distribution

(3) Log-normal frequency distribution

(4) Un-classified data

Answer: 2

14.Which of these is not a type of federal state?

(1) Compromised

(2) Imposed

(3) Composite

(4) Centralised

Answer: 3

 15.Sand dunes formed as long elongated ridges oriented at right angles to the wind direction are known as:

(1) Star dunes

(2) Barchans

(3) Transverse dunes

(4) Seifs

Answer: 3

16.Read the following statement regarding Hypsometric curve

(A) It shows the area – height relationship of a drainage basin.

(B) A convex curve indicates that bulk of the basin’s area remains at relatively low elevation.

(C) A concave curve in characterized by diffusive hill slope processes such as land sliding, soil creep etc.

(D) The simple way to characterize the shape of hypsometric curve for any drainage basin is to calculate hypsometric integral (HD)

Choose the correct answer from the options given below: 

(1) (A), (B) and (C) are correct

(2) (B) and (C) are correct

(3) (A) and (D) are correct

(4) (A), (B), (C) and (D) are correct

Answer: 3

17 Given below are two statements: One is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as Reason (R)

Assertion (A): The land capability approach is that where land was graded according to its suspectibility to soil erosion under differing farming and forestry systems of production.

Reason(R): The most demanding system of production would therefore concentrate on the best and the most extensively on the poorest land.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct

(4) (A) is not correct but (B) is correct

Answer: 2

18 Who according to Hartshorne had set the direction of Geographic thought for the future?

(1) Huntington E.W.

(2) Videl de la Blache

(3) E Semple

 (4) Van Richthofen

Answer: 4

 19 Which one of the following recycle periods is correct for oxygen?

(1) 100 years

(2) 2000 years

(3) 1000 years

(4) 500 years

Answer: 2

20.dentify the processes of heating of ocean water.

(A) Absorption of radiation from the sun

(B) Transformation of kinetic energy

(C) Melting of polar ice

(D) Violation of Ocean laws

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (A) and (C) only

(2) (B) and (C) only

(3) (A) and (B) only

(4) (C) and (D) only

Answer: 3

21. Two dimensional diagrams are also known as

(1) Size

(2) Volume

(3) Ratio

(4) Area

Answer: 4

22.Given below are two statements: One is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Von theunen argued that the sectoral fields are the most irrational, reducing the time spent by the farmers in travelling around the farm.

Reasons (R): Sectoral fields are not common but they are used in varying forming systems and environments. .

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (K) are correct but (R) in NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) in correct but (R) in not correct

(4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

Answer: 4

23.Match List I with List II:

List I – Mountain passes

(A) The Banihal Pass

(B) The Bara Lacha La Pass

(C) The Jelap La Pass

(D) The Lipu Lekh Pass

List II – State

(I) Uttarkhand

(II) Sikkim

(III) Jammu and Kashmir

(IV) Himachal Pradesh

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


Answer: 4


 24. Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Aleutian Islands are a site of Volcanic eruptions,

Reasons (R): Convergent plate margins are sites of volcanic eruptions.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) is correct but (F) is not correct

(4 (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

Answer: 1

25.In which of the following maps average slope and relative relief are shown simultarcously

(1) Trachographic map

(2) Planimetric map

(3) Hypsometric map

(4) Morphological map

Answer: 1

26.The Arab scholar who made corrections to Ptolemy’s book was

(1) Ibn – Batuta

(2) Ibn Khaldun

(3) Al-Masudi

(4) Al-Idrisi

Answer: 4

27. Given below are two statements:

Statement I: The Darwinian theory of origin of species almost conform to the law of uniformitarianism.

Statement II: There are heritable variations in the individual species.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below


(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

(2) Both Statement and Statement II are incorrect

(3) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect is incorrect but Statement II is correct

(4) Statement is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Answer: 1

28.Consider the following statements regarding the weaver’s method of crop combination.

(A) He proposed a method of analysis superior to simple inspection of the relative weights of the enterprises in a given area.

(B) He added a time dimension to the notion that Britain’s best and worst agricultural land has not changed during last century.

(C) He sought to find the number of enterprises that minimized the difference between the actual and theoretical enterprise combination

(D) He adopted a measure of yield defined as the potential production of one acre of good average farmland under good management

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (A), (B) and (C) only

(2) (A), (C) and (D) only

(3) (A) and (B) only

(4) (A) and (C) only

Answer: 4

29 International boundary between India and Pakistan was demarcated after the partition. Which type of boundary in this

(1) Cultural

(2) Complex

(3) Antecedent

(4) Consequent

Answer: 1 , 4

30.The rigid waves surrounding the Geosynclines were called by kober as

(1) Kratogen

(2) Orogen

(3) Primarumph

(4) Endrumph

Answer: 1

31. Which one of the following curves is correct to show the cumulative frequency distribution

(1) Frequency curve

(2) Ogive

(3) Log-normal eurve

(4) Semi-log curve

Answer: 2

32 Who among the following scholars advocated a policy of deliberate imbalanced development?

(A) G. Myrdal

(B) AO. Hirchman

(C) A.G. Frank

(D) R. Nurke 

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (A) only

(3) (C) only

(2) (B) only

(4) (D) only

Answer: 2

33.Which one of the following components does NOT match with the Darwinian theory of origin of species?

(1) Natural hazard

(2) Natural selection

(3) Adoptation

(4) Survival of the fittest

Answer: 1

34.Given below are two statements:

Statement I: The consumption of oxygen has increased after the Industrial Revolution in 1860.

Statement II: The Brazil and India uses more oxygen annually than other countries of the world.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are true

(2) Both Statement I and Statement II are false

(3) Statement I is correct but Statement II is false

(4) Statement I incorrect but Statement II is true

Answer: 3

35.Digitizing or scanning are example of which GIS procedure:

(1) Data output

(2) Data acquisition

(3) Edge matching

(4) Error detection

Answer: 2

36.Which of the following statements are true for vector data models in GIS.

(A) It is a simple data model and has low catographic output quality

(B) It is a compact data structure and has high cartographic output quality

(C) It is characterized by case of data processing

(D) It is cheap data collection process as it was less expensive technology

Choose the appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) (A) only

(2) (B) only

(3) (C) only

(4) (D) only

Answer: 2

37. Which among the following is an example of a nodal region

(1) Damodar Valley Region

(2) National Capital Region

(3) Western Ghat Region

(4) Upper ganga – Yamuna doab region

Answer: 2

38. Which one of the following surface area covered by a solar beam of 1 m width at noon with vertical sunshine?

(1) 1 m width

(2) 4 m width

(3) 45 m width

(4) 90 m width

Answer: 1

39.Which of the following earthquake waves are more destructive at the epicenter?

(1) S-Waves

(2) P-Waves

(3) R-Waves

(4) L-Waves

Answer: 4

40. ‘Zone of assimilation’ and ‘Zone of discard’ these terms are related to the delimitation of

(1) Shape of a city

(2) Function of a city

(3) CBD of a city

(4) Migration trends of a city

Answer: 3

41. Given below are two statements:

Statement I: All moving objects, by virtue of their motion are capable of doing work.

Statement II: Potential energy is the energy of motion.

In the light of the above Statements. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are true

(2) Both Statement I and Statement II are false

(3) Statement I in correct but Statement II is false

(4) Statement is incorrect but Statement TI in true

Answer: 3

42. Which one of the following techniques is correct to show inequality of two given distribution

(1) Rn statistics

(2) X2 test

(3) Correlation Coefficient

(4) Lorenz curve

Answer: 4

Concept of ‘Primate City’ was given by Jefferson in

(1) 1929

(2) 1938

(3) 1939

(4) 1940

Answer: 3

43 Match List I with List II :

List I – (Settlement)

List II – (Pattern)

(I) Uniform

(II) Random

(III) More clustered than uniform

(IV) Clustered

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


Answer: 1

44 Which one of the following percentage of frequencies between the range of 0 to + 1.00 (σ) standard deviation

(1) 34.13%

(2) 38.23%

(3) 46.20%

(4) 47.73%

Answer: 1

45 What is not true about International trade in post – globalization phase:

(1) It has enhanced the spatial integration of world economy.

(2) Role of digital technologies in facilitation of trade has become increasing important.

(3) Regional comparative advantage is on decline.

(4) The ability of a country to compete in international trade and economy is highly dependent on the transport system as well as trade facilitation frame work.

Answer: 3

46 Which among the following statement are true for deceleration in agricultural growth in Post reform period.

(A) Deceleration in public and general investment in agriculture.

(B) Dwidling farm size

(C) Failure to develop new technologies

(D) Progressive land reforms

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (A), (B). (C) and (D)

(2) (A) and (B) only

(3) (B) and (D) only

(4) (A). (B) and (C) only

Answer: 4

47.Match List I with List II:

List I

(A) Heartland

(B) Rimland

(C) Classification of state

(D) Law of territorial growth of states

List II

(I) Van Valkerburg

(II) Ratzel

(III) Spykman

(IV) Mackinder

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


Answer: 1

48. Identify the person who defined pollution as

“The presence at large of substances, or energy patterns which have been involuntarily produced, have outlived their purpose have escaped by accident, or have unforeseen effects, in quantities which harm his (man’s) health or so offended him”.

(1) Lord Kenett

(2) DM. Dixon

(3) R.F. Dasmann

(4) A. Goudie

Answer: 1

49 Study in social and health issues, domestic politics and security issues and international diplomacy is new trend in political Geography. It is termed an

(1) Neo – Politics

(2) Meta Geoplolitics

(3) Mega – Politics

(4) Developmental – Geopolitics

Answer: 2

50 Match List I with List II:

List I-(Book Name)

(A) Fundamentals of Ecology

(B) India’s Water Wealth

(C) Geology of India

(D) Dams and Earthqakes

List II- (Authors)

(I) H.K. Gupta

(II) D.N. Wadia

(III) E.P. Odum

(IV) K.L Rao


Answer: 2

51 Given below are two statements: One is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): In areas of intensive subsistence agriculture, animal husbandary is a meager sideline of crop farming.

Reasons (R): Throughout the region, the farmers are handicapped in raising cattle due to lack of scientific methods of breeding the animals.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) in the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) is true but (R) is false

(4) (A) is false but (R) is true

Answer: 2

52 An introduction to the ‘Application of Geography to History’ and ‘The Geographical Distribution of Mankind’ are the work of:

(1) Card Ritter

(2) Friedrich Ratzel

(3) Vidal de la Blache

(4) Alfred Hettner

Answer: 2

53 Which one of the following processes is related to absorption of inorganic salts and water by plant roots?

(1) Oxidation

(2) Osmosis

(3) Hydration

(4) Hydrolysis

Answer: 3

54 Given below are two statements: One is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): At present the government sector is the largest consumer of information technology (IT) services in India.

Reasons (R): The Indian companies have out performed MNC’s in the total revenue and even IT export market share.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct

(4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

Answer: 2

55 Which of the following groups of landforms is produced by erosion?

(1) Playa, Pinnacles. Pot Holes

(2) Arate. Kame. Levees

(3) Dramlin. Fijord. Wave built Platform

(4) Drip stones, Sinkholes. U-Shaped Valley

Answer: 1

56 Match List I with List II:

List I – Salts in sea water

(A) Sodium Chloride

(B) Magnesium Chloride

(C) Magnesium Sulphate

(D) Calcium Sulphate

List II – Amount in sea water (%)

(I) 3.807%

(II) 27.213%

(III) 1.260%

(IV) 1.658%

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


Answer: 1

57 Which of the following is not associated with political Geography

(A) I. Bowman

(B) R. Johnston

(C) F. Ratzel

(D) H.J. Mackinder

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (A) only

(2) (A) and (B) only

(3) (B) only

(4) (B) and (C) only

Answer: 3

58 There are three well – defined phases in International trade. The second phase, which is market with mobility of factors of production, remained in focus during

(1) 1950s and 1060s

(2) 1960s and 1970s

(3) 1970s – 1990s

(4) 1990s onward

Answer: 3

59 Identify the correct Relative Humidity (%) of an air mass with saturation mixing ratio at 20°C is 20 grams and H2O vapour content is 5 grams

(1) 15%

(2) 30%

(3) 25%

(4) 50%

Answer: 3

60 Match List I with List II

List I – Land Forms

(A) Monadnocks

(B) Blind Valley

(C) Drumlin

(D) Dreikantes

List II – Agents of Denudations

(I) Wind

(II) Glacier

(III) River

(IV) Groundwater

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


Answer: 1

61 Rimland theory was presented by M.J. Spykman in

(1) 1941

(2) 1942

(3) 1943

(4) 1944

Answer: 2

.62 Given below are two statements: One is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled a Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Globalization has resulted in widening inequalities between the forward and backward states in India.

Reasons (R): The organized sector provided 63% of net domestic product but provided employment to 93% of work-force.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Bath (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct

(4) (A) is not correct but (E) is correct

Answer: 3

63 Who enunciated the four stages in the evolution of space economy?

(A) John Fried mann

(B) Karl Marx

(C) Ronald F. Abler

(D) August Losch

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (A) only

(2) (B) only

(3) (C) only

(4) (D) only

Answer: 1

64 Which of the following two sources carbon is released?

(A) Volcanic eruption

(B) Combustim of fossil fuels

(C) Landslide

(D) Open mining

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (A) and (B) only

(2) (B) and (C) only

(3) (A) and (C) only

(4) (B) and (D) only

Answer: 1

65 Which one of the following methods commonly used to estimate numerically the change taking place in one sector or industry bringing about changes in other sectors of the economy?

(A) Cluster analysis

(B) Econometrics

(C) Input-Output analysis

(D) Principal Component analysis

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) (A) only

(2) (B) only

(3) (C) only

(4) (D) only

Answer: 3


66 Given below are two statements One is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Thermal infrared energy in remote sensing is sensed by radiometers

Reasons (R): Thermal infrared can neither be seen by human eyes nor can be photographed.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct

(4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

Answer: 1


67 Given below are two statements: One is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): The locational – climatic factors put Mackinder’s Heartland at a relative disadvantage as compared to certain other larger and well to do areas of the world

Reasons (R): Heartland was a region of permanent difficulties because of its location and resultant extreme climate

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct

(4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

Answer: 1

68 (Types of Clouds)

(A) Altostratus

(B) Stratocumulus

(C) Stratus

(D) Cirus

Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (upward sequence)

(1) (A), (B), (D), (C)

(2) (C), (B), (A), (D)

(3) (B), (C), (A), (D)

(4) (C), (B), (D), (A)

Answer: 2

69 Which one of the following codes correctly show the optimal location of profitability in different spatial cost / revenue situations in diagram below

(1) A

(2) B

(3) C

 (4) D

Answer: 2

70 Which one of the following latitudes has ‘no surplus’ and ‘no deficit’ heat balance in Northern Hemisphere?

(1) 18°

(2) 23½°

(3) 38°

(4) 66½

Answer: 3

71 Which of the following statement is/are not true for green revolution in India?

(A) Green Revolution ensured that there was no regional disparity.

(B) Green Revolution ensured increased productivity among selected crops.

(C) Green Revolution ensured uniform earnings among all farmers.

(D) Green Revolution ensured mechanization in farms.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) A B C and D

(2) Only A

(3) Only B

(4) Only D

Answer: 2

72 Given below are two statements: One is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as Reason (R)

Assertion (A): Globalization raises the degree of independence resulting in lesser control over the domestic economy and loss of economic sovereignty.

Reasons (R): Globalization promotes consumption cultures that may not be in consonance with the lifestyles and values of all the countries. .

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) in correct but (R) in not correct

(4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

Answer: 2

73 Who among the following geographers laid down the foundation of dichotomy of General versus special Geography?

(1) Immanuel Kant

(2) Sebastian Munster

(3) Peter Apian

(4) Bernhard Vareniun

Answer: 4

74 The ‘Arabian Sea Branch’ and ‘Bay of Bengal Branch of Indian monsoon merge together over which of the following region.

(1) The Punjab and adjoining Himalayas

(2) Central India

(3) North East Indian States

(4) Western Ghats

Answer: 1

75 Which one of the following rivers does not flow through Himachal Pradesh

(1) Beas

(2) Chenab

(3) Jhelum

(4) Ravi

Answer: 1

76 Which one of the following types of landforms differs from the other on the basis of its mode of formation?

(1) Rapids

(2) Escarpments

(3) Questar

(4) Dripstones

Answer: 4

77 “Hyper markets” are shopping centres located

(1) Near the CBD

(3) Out of town

(2) Near rail-road junction

(4) Near hospitals

Answer: 3

78 Which one of the following connectivity matrices is correct to show the given network of six nodes?

Answer: 2

79 Match List I with List II:

Lint I-(Name of Author)

(A) A. Weber

(B) E.M. Hoover

(C) A. Pred

(D) D.M. Smith

List II – (Name of Book)

(I) Industrial Location: An Economic Geographical Analysis.

(II) Behaviour and Location : Foundations for a Geographic and Dynamic Location theory

(III) The Location of Economic Activity

(IV) Theory of the Location of Industries

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:



Answer: 4

80 Which one of the following elevations upto that Kopper’s Af type of climate region extends from the mean sea level?

(1) 1000 m

(2) 1500 m

(3) 2000 m

(4) 2500 m

Answer: 1

81 Given below are two statements:

Statement I: Due to an increase of pressure near the ocean bottom, the density also increases from surface towards the depth

Statement II: If light surface water is driven away by winds, dense sub-surface water upwells on the surface

In the light of the above Statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below

(1) Both Statement and Statement Il are true

(2) Beith Statement and Statement 1 are false

(3) Statement is correct but Statement II is false

(4) Statement lis incorrect but Statement II is true

Answer: 1

82 Which one of the fallowing is the correct sequence of Contributors in the development of Greek Geography?

(1) Anaxiamander. Hipparchus, Herodotus, Eratosthenes

(2) Eratosthenes, Herodotus, Hipparchus, Anaximander

(3) Anaximander. Herodotus. Eratosthenes, Hipparchus

(4) Hipparchus, Anaximander, Herodotus, Eratosthenes

Answer: 3

83 The slope replacement was propounded by

(1) A. Strahler

(2) A. Penck

(3) W. M. Davis

(4) H. Wood

Answer: 2

84 “Dry point” settlements are common in

(1) Deltas

(2) Mountain regions

(3) Deserts

(4) Rain shadow areas

Answer: 1

85 Given below are two statements: One labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled as Reason (R)

Assertion (A): The moon’s high tide time lag in each day is 50 minutes.

Reasons (R): The total duration required to complete the two cycles of high and low tides at any place in 24 hours 50 minutes.

In the light of the above Statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) in correct but (R) in not correct

(4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

Answer: 1

86 Given below are two statements: One is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other ia labeled as Reason (R)

Assertion (A): Build operate transfer (BOT) is a scheme under which public operators are invited to construct roads and bridges.

Reasons (R): The national highways act has been amended to facilitate private investment under (BOT) scheme.

In the light of the above Statements. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) in correct but (R) in not correct

(4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

Answer: 3

87 Match List I with List II:

List I – Theories

(A) Thermal Contraction Theory

(B) Theory of Geosyncline

(C) Theory of Seafloor spreading

(D) Doctrine of Uniformatarianism

List II – Proponents

(1) James Hutton

(II) Jeffreys. J

(III) Hall and Dana

(IV) Harry Hess

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


Answer: 4

88 The Characteristics of the countries engaged in subsistence farming include

(A) Developing economy

(B) High density of population

(C) Low level of technology

(D) High developed international trade

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

(1) (A), (B) and (D)

(2)(B), (C) and (D)

(3) (B) and (C)

(4) (A), (B) and (C)

Answer: 4

89 ‘Household register’ in Japan was known by the name

(1) Takeshi

(2) Yumitava

(3) Koseki

(4) Dketana

Answer: 3

90 Match List I with List II:

List I – Deposits

(A) Moraines

(B) Silt

(C) Loess

(D) Drip stones

List II – Agents

(I) Wind

(II) Glacier

(1II) Underground water

(IV) River

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


Answer: 1


Instruction: Please read the following passage and answer the questions 91-95.

Tropical cyclones are closed low – pressure system, generally about 650 km in diameter, which bring violent winds, torrential rainfall and thunderstorms. Generally, they contain a central region, the eye, with a diameter of about ten kilometres with light winds and more or less lightly clouded sky. In order for cyclones to develop various conditions need to be fulfilled. There must be a plentiful supply of moisture, and for this reason distribution of cyclones is closely related to those regions where the highest sea – surface temperatures are found i.e. the western portion of the tropical oceans in late summer with temperature of at least 27°C. This moisture provides the necessary latent heat to drive the storm and to provide the rainfall. Tropical cyclones tend to occur mainly in between the Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of cancer except the equatorial region i.e 5° on both side of the equator because closer than that to the Equator the Coriolis parameter approaches Zero. The main cyclone activity in the Northern Hemisphere is in late summer and autumn during the time of the equatorial trough’s northern displacement.

.91 Which one of the following elements is not associated with tropical cyclones?

(1) Violent winds

(2) Torrential rainfall

(3) Thunderstorms

(4) Dense fog

Answer: 4

92 Which of the following is the regional name of tropical cyclone in West Indies?

(1) Willy Willy

(2) Hurricane

(3) Typhoon

(4) Cyclone

Answer: 2

93 The cyclone activity in the Northern Hemisphere is associated with

(1) Spring and Winter

(2) Spring and Autumn

(3) Autumn and Winter

(4) Summer and Autumn

Answer: 4

94 Which of the following conditions is essential to develop a tropical cyclone

(1) Low wind speed

(2) Mixing of cold and warm ocean currents

(3) Plentiful supply of moisture

(4) Mixing of Saline and sweet water

Answer: 3

95 Which one of the following sea-surface temperature is ideal for the formation of tropical cyclone?

(1) 27°C

(2) 20°C

(3) 17°C

(4) 15°C

Answer: 1



Consider the following data and answer questions:  

96 – 100

96 Which one of the following is the cumulative frequency for the class limit 401 – 500 from the given data set.

(1) 24

(2) 40

(3) 16

(4) 80

Answer: 4

97 Which one of the following is the cumulative frequency of the entire data set

(1) 125

(2) 24

(3) 40

(4) 118

Answer: 1

98 Which one of the following is the relative frequency in percentage for class limit 301- 400 from the given data set.

(1) 18.2

(2) 19.2

(3) 20.2

(4) 24.2

Answer: 2

99 Which one of the following is the mode value for the given data set

(1) 483

(2) 125

(3) 400.5

(4) 441

Answer: 4

100 Which one of the following is the arithmetic mean value for the given data set

(1) 125

(2) 40

(3) 483

(4) 603

Answer: 3


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